- (setvar "modemacro" "Hello world is it not a nice day")
- (defun SpeakSapi ( s / sapi )
- (if (eq (type s) 'STR)
- (progn
- (setq sapi (vlax-create-object "Sapi.SpVoice"))
- (vlax-put sapi 'SynchronousSpeakTimeout 1)
- (vlax-invoke-method sapi 'WaitUntilDone 0)
- (vlax-invoke sapi "Speak" s 0)
- (vlax-release-object sapi)
- )
- )
- )
- (speaksapi "please remain seated during your Autocad session do not leave work area")
- (speaksapi "Arcs are like a banana ... please pick again")
- (speaksapi "Dimensions the thing with the arrows on each end ... pick again")
- (speaksapi "You picked incorrectly ... have another go")
- (speaksapi "Circles are what happens when you spin around when sitting on your chair ... pick again")