To create the program has helped me Lee Mac, having disagreed to make concessions to geodesists in the remarkable program Point Manager , by the way a part of ideas it is borrowed at it.
1) Save as … is specified where to save the data
2) Select by… the sample of object (Entity) which data is specified it is necessary to receive, after that all objects (Entity) on the drawing will be selected, similar specified as the sample, namely the same type, colour and a layer, following types of objects (Entity) are accessible: Line, LWPolyline, 3DPolyline, MLine, Spline, Text, МText, Block, Circle, Point. (If necessary the list I can expand …)
3) Select from … an interactive selection of objects (Entity) from selected earlier by the sample.
4) Delimitr can be chosen from offered or to enter the user's
5) Number
- Default 1 -> 1,2,3,…,n.
- user's format of input: *#*, where * - any quantity of letters, before # - a prefix, after # - a suffix, # - number (any quantity of numeral), an example tr235ort-> tr235ort, tr236ort, …, tr(235+n)ort.
- The nearest text, as numbers will be used nearest to the object of the text, and any content, but also the choice of the mode "nearest text" for Altitude, text format #. #, Where # is any number of digits. - A dot or a comma, will be reserved for the notes and will not be used for Number
- TextString (the Text is accessible only to objects (Entity) type and МТext) as number will be used text contents.
- The list of names of attributes (it is accessible to objects (Entity) type Block) as number it is possible to choose contents of one of attributes, at presence in the block of attribute with a name «№», it will be automatically offered by default.
6) Altitude
- Coordinate Z Z coordinate of object (Entity).
- user's format of input: material (valid) number.
- The nearest text as Altitude will be used nearest to the object of the text format #. #, Where # is any number of digits. - A dot or a comma.
- TextString (the Text is accessible only to objects (Entity) type and МТexst) as a Altitude will be used text contents.
- The list of names of attributes (it is accessible to objects (Entity) type the Block) as a mark it is possible to choose contents of one of attributes, at presence in the block of attribute with a name «H», it will be automatically offered by default.
7) Description
- Not required falls, no.
- user's format of input: anything you like ☺.
- TextString (it is accessible only to objects (Entity) type Text and МText) as the description text contents will be used.
- The list of names of attributes (it is accessible to objects (Entity) type the Block) as the description it is possible to choose contents of one of attributes, at presence in the block of attribute with a name «COD», it will be automatically offered by default.
8 ) Sign□To Sign Number, the Altitude or the Description on the drawing (it is not accessible to objects (Entity) of type: the Text, Mtekst and the Block with attributes)
9) coordinates
- tick- Geodesic, X↑ Y→
- none - Mathematical, Y↑ X→
10) The primary sort for sorting counterclockwise to clockwise, and radial, as the central point average is calculated between selected. When sorting counterclockwise to clockwise direction is taken as the initial North-West.
11) The secondary sorting If there are coordinates equivalent to the primary sort is applied to them is secondary.
12) Sort each
- For polylines sorting will be applied to each polyline separately, with the numbering of polylines with noninteractive selection (selected by ...) will be in the order of creation in the drawings, or in the order of selection for the interactive selection (selected from ...)
- For blocks, dots and circles, is only available for the interactive selection (selected from ...) sorting and numbering will be applied alternately to each group according to their selection in the drawing.
13) The choice of the coordinate system
Test it…
I wait for responses and suggestion.
18.03.10 (only VLX)
- Revise writing to file
- now the file is not overwritten, and is appended
- removed at the end of the line, an extra delimiter
21.05.10 (only VLX)
- choice of type of coordinates, geodetic or mathematical (default are geodesic)
- Small fixes for 2D polyline, now elevetion, can be used as the coordinate of Z, before it was available only for LWpolyline.
29.12.10 (only VLX)
- added sorting to the coordinates
10.09.12 v2.4(only VLX)
- Taken as a Altitude or Number of the nearby text
- Sort over each polyline or group of objects
21.03.13 v2.6(only VLX)
- The choice of the coordinate system
To whom the code is interesting, look LSP and DCL to whom the program is interesting use already compiled VLX a file which lies in ZIP archive