- (defun c:comedarray ( / oldl nor noc ceb cep )
- (if (and
- (setq nor (cond ((getint (strcat "\nEnter number of comed rows: " (itoa (setq nor (cond ( nor ) ( 1 )))) ))) ( nor )))
- (setq noc (cond ((getint (strcat "\nEnter number of comed columns: " (itoa (setq noc (cond ( noc ) ( 1 )))) ))) ( noc )))
- (setq cep1 (getpoint "\npick insert point for block: "))
- )
- (progn
- (if (vl-file-directory-p "s:\\lightsett\\lisp files\\lisp used blocks")
- (progn
- (setq oldl (getvar "clayer"))
- (mapcar '(lambda ( a b c d ) (MakeLayer a b "Continuous" c T 0 d))
- '("ELEC-CE")
- '( 1 )
- '( 0.09 )
- '("Elect" "" )
- )
- (setvar "clayer" "ELEC-CE" )
- (vl-cmdf "_.-insert" "s:\\lightsett\\lisp files\\lisp used blocks\\comed profile.dwg" cep1 "1" "1" "0") ; insert block
- (setq ceb (entlast))
- (vl-cmdf "_array" ceb "" "r" nor noc 0.6667 0.3333)
- (setq cep (ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 "comed profile"))))
- (vl-cmdf "_move" cep "" cep1 (cons (- (car cep1) (/ (* noc 0.3333) 2)) (cdr cep1)))
- (vl-cmdf "_move" cep "" cep1 (list (car cep1) (- (cadr cep1) (* nor 0.6667)) (caddr cep1)))
- (setvar "clayer" oldl )
- ))
- ))
- (princ)
- )
- (defun MakeLayer ( name colour linetype lineweight willplot bitflag description )
- ;; (MakeLayer name colour linetype lineweight willplot bitflag description )
- ;; Specifications:
- ;; Description Data Type Remarks
- ;; -----------------------------------------------------------------
- ;; Layer Name STRING Only standard chars allowed
- ;; Layer Colour INTEGER may be nil, -ve for Layer Off, Colour < 256
- ;; Layer Linetype STRING may be nil, If not loaded, CONTINUOUS.
- ;; Layer Lineweight REAL may be nil, 0 <= x <= 2.11
- ;; Plot? BOOLEAN T = Plot Layer, nil otherwise
- ;; Bit Flag INTEGER 0=None, 1=Frozen, 2=Frozen in VP, 4=Locked
- ;; Description STRING may be nil for no description
- ;; Function will return list detailing whether layer creation is successful.
- ;; © Lee Mac 2010
- (regapp "AcAecLayerStandard")
- (or (tblsearch "LAYER" name)
- (entmake
- (append
- (list
- (cons 0 "LAYER")
- (cons 100 "AcDbSymbolTableRecord")
- (cons 100 "AcDbLayerTableRecord")
- (cons 2 name)
- (cons 70 bitflag)
- (cons 290 (if willplot 1 0))
- (cons 6 (if (and linetype (tblsearch "LTYPE" linetype)) linetype "CONTINUOUS"))
- (cons 62 (if (and colour (< 0 (abs colour) 256)) colour 7))
- (cons 370 (fix (* 100 (if (and lineweight (<= 0.0 lineweight 2.11)) lineweight 0.0))))
- )
- (if description (list (list -3 (list "AcAecLayerStandard" (cons 1000 "") (cons 1000 description)))))
- ))))