(cb:replaceAttributeValue (strcat "DATE" attNumber) "29-JUN-15" (vlax-ename->vla-object x)) [code]<p> </p><p>The above code replaces the attribute value (strcat "DATE" attNumber), which could be an attribute with the tag DATE1, or DATE2, or DATE3, ect. depending on which line in the revision block has the most current revision.</p><p> </p><p>What I want to do is replace attribute REV with the attribute value in (strcat "REV" attNumber). For this particular title block, let's say this attribute is REV5 and the value is 12. I need to pass the value of REV5 (12) to REV so they both say 12. Currently the value of REV is most likely X by default because the routine I use to swap title blocks doesn't know what REV should be.</p>