发表于 2022-7-5 17:41:26
actually the previous function does the same concept, but results just echo in the command line ,without label
- (MAP-SHEET 250000 600000 600000 nil)
however, as mentioned in post#7 slightly modify the function which user can supply more argument to be more generic
code updated v:1.0
hanhphuc 18.01.2017
- [color="darkgreen"];|argument - Type ---------------------------pt - specified point bp - Base coordinates n - scale, number mX - max X, number mY - max Y, number $ - suffix, string ------------------------- Return value: A string ---------------------------example : (MAP-SHEET[color="red"]:[/color] '(409354.53 4937853.7) '(200000 5170000) 250000 60000 60000 nil)pt,'(409354.53 4937853.7) = specified point inside the required sheetbp, '(200000 5170000) = base coordinates of sheet at upper left corner, listn, 250000 = scale 1:10000 mX, 600000 = maximum X range of sheet mY, 600000 = maximum Y range of sheet $, nil = suffix of upper level sheetreturns: list, (suffix x y z )example call:(MAP-SHEET: pt bp 250000 600000 600000 nil)'("102-2" 418370.0 5.03597e+006 0.0) |;[/color](defun [color="blue"][b]MAP-SHEET:[/b][/color] (pt bp n mX mY $ / ls d l p k) ;hanhphuc 20.12.2016 (if (setq ls '((250000 150000 100000) (100000 60000 40000) (50000 30000 20000) (25000 15000 10000) (10000 6000 4000) (5000 3000 2000) (2000 1200 800) (1000 600 400) (500 300 200) ) l (assoc n ls) ) (progn (setq d (mapcar '- pt bp) ls (reverse (mapcar '+ '(1 -101) (mapcar ''((x y) (fix (/ x y))) d (cdr l)))) k (mapcar '+ '(1 -1) (mapcar ''((x y) (fix (/ x y))) d (cdr l))) k (- (* (1+ (cadr k)) (/ mY (caddr l))) (car k)) % (if (or (> (abs (car d)) mX) (> (abs (cadr d)) mY) (minusp (car d)) (minusp (- (cadr d)))) "\rOut of range!! " (cond ($ (apply 'strcat (append (mapcar 'itoa (list (/ (car l) 1000) k)) (list "-" $)))) ((vl-string-right-trim "-" (apply 'strcat (mapcar ''((x) (strcat (itoa x) "-")) (cons (/ (car l) 1000) (mapcar 'abs ls))) ) ) ) ) ) ) (cons (if (and % (/= % "\rOut of range!! ")) (substr % (+ 2 (vl-string-search "-" %))) "" ) pt ) ) ; progn ) )
example applied in labeling function , map-label
- [color="darkgreen"];|example call:(map-label "250K" ; str - message for sheet selection '(200000.00 5170000.00 ) ; p1 - coordinates of sheet at upper left corner 1 ; f - repeating flag, 1 or 0 7000 ; text height 250000 ; scale factor 1:250000 600000 ; maximum X range of sheet 600000 ;maximum Y range of sheet nil ; suffix of upper level sheet or N/A )|;[/color](defun [color="blue"]map-label[/color] (str p1 f h n mX mY $ / l p2) (prompt (strcat "\nSpecify point " str "\n")) (eval (cons (if (zerop f) 'progn 'while ) '((while (and (setq p (grread t 1 0)) (= 5 (car p)) (setq p2 (cadr p))) (setq l ([color="blue"]MAP-SHEET:[/color] p2 p1 n mX mY $)) (if (/= (car l) "") (princ (strcat "\rSHEET " (setq str (itoa (/ n 1000))) "-" (car l) " ")) (prompt "\rOut of range! ") ) ) (entmakex (mapcar ''((a b) (cons a b)) '(0 1 10 40 50) (list "TEXT" (strcat str "-" (car l)) (trans (cdr l) 1 0) h (angle '(0. 0. 0.) (getvar 'ucsxdir)) ) ) ) ) ) ) (car l) )
look at the example for map250K ,map50K, map10K, you can simply modify the argument for other sheets
- [color="green"];with '(200000.00 5170000.00 ) known base coordinates without user picking[/color](defun c:map250K nil (if (= (getvar 'dwgname) "250k.dwg") ([color="blue"]map-label[/color] "Sheet [M 1:250000]" [color="red"] '(200000.00 5170000.00 )[/color] [color="green"];known upper left corner[/color] 1 7000 [color="red"]250000[/color] 600000 600000 nil) (alert "\nInvalid working drawing!") ) (princ) )[color="green"];if corner unknown, user pick example[/color](defun c:map50K (/ pt) (if (= (getvar 'dwgname) "50k (25k-5k, 10k, 2k-1k-0.5k).dwg") (and (setq pt (getpoint "\nPick Upper Left corner of sheet - [M 1: 50000 ]")) ([color="blue"]map-label[/color] "Sheet [M 1:50000]" pt 1 2000 [color="red"]50000[/color] 600000 600000 nil) ) (alert "\nInvalid working drawing!") ) (princ) )[color="green"];if known base point of 2 different sheets[/color](defun c:map10K nil (Alert "\nSelect sheet in [M 1:50000] \nthen specify label insertion point in [M 1:10000].. ") (if (= (getvar 'dwgname) "50k (25k-5k, 10k, 2k-1k-0.5k).dwg") ([color="blue"]map-label[/color] "Sheet [M 1:10000]" [color="red"]'(928187.08 5276613.90)[/color] [color="green"];for sheet 1:10K[/color] 1 500 [color="red"]10000[/color] 30000 20000 ([color="blue"]map-label[/color] "Sheet [M 1:50000]"[color="red"]'(200000.00 5170000.00 )[/color] [color="green"];for sheet 1:50k [/color]02000[color="red"]50000[/color]600000600000nil)) (alert "\nInvalid working drawing!") ) (princ) )
quite busy since last december, good luck |