Hi, thanks for trying that but it didn't quite work (it brings up a message in the command line saying 'too many items to intersect'. It then runs the routine but puts the lineweight 0.50mm onto the "0" layer and doesn't delete the 'Cyan' colours or move the colour 35 lines onto "0".
Please don't worry though as the previous one almost does everything that I am looking for so that is still a big help!
I would have used the SELECTSIMILAR for most of this. For almost every single thing you need you could have set your settings to your requirements and simply changed the layer/color and what not.
Thanks again, that is almost there!
The only thing is it puts the Colour 35 items onto the "0existing" layer instead of the "0" layer but apart from that it does everything I need!
I was following this topic, and i need a similair LISP, but instead of checking for lineweights, i need a check for linetypes.
Im trying to edit the code above myself, but i dont understand how you check for lineweight properties... i just cant find the logic in the code.
Is is easy to edit this code to:
- check all objects in the drawing...
- if something has the property : Linetype Hidden...
- change it so : Linetype Hidden2.
- and if its dashed, change it to dashed2...
entire drawing, including blocks etc... so hidden and dashed can be purged...
I need a specific check on the 'properties' part, not a check on the layermanager. (got that one solved already. :-))
Thanks for the code Grrr!
The part of the code where the linetypes get replaced seems to work fine.
Tho... the part where it checks the contents of BLOCKS doent nothing. But doenst give an error message.
It just does not change the linetype inside the blocks.
Hmm, I can't seem to find the problem, edited the code to regen All viewports (the red text). If it still doesn't work I will try to re-write the block iteration with visual lisp.