If you are changing ATTREQ to 0, you should not supply the attribute value:
- (defun c:dee ( / fname ) (mapcar 'setvar '("cmdecho" "insunits" "dimasz") '(0 4 3.0)) (if (findfile (setq fname "c:\\hpc\\DE.dwg")) (command "_.-insert" fname "_S" 1.4 "_R" 0.0 "_non" '(7.6911 3.3174)) ))
You also no longer require the ENTER & rotation responses, as these have already been supplied ("_S" 1.4 and "_R" 0.0).
Please take some time to study the comments in my posts, and also manually enter the prompts for the -INSERT command at the command-line so that you are aware of how your program works.
I see that you have also changed the function definition to 'c:dee', therefore, it will need to be evaluated as such: - _.open *file* (load "DEE.lsp" nil) (if c:DEE (c:DEE)) _.qsave _.close