Hello, guys!
I'm creating a lisp to open multiple DWG's in a directory and alterate a number at a especific position. I have a function (called txt) to write the number at a position and I have another function (called change_all) to open every DWG in the directory and execute the function "txt".
I want that the "Change_all" asks me the number and then execute the "txt" to write that number in all DWG's. The functions are already working, but i couldn't call the "txt" with the parameter number previously defined
The 1st step calls for the enter variable, you can write to file the answer or you can write to the registery or write the script file which includes as part of each dwg open the variable value.
(setq num (getstring)) ; enter your variable; do what ever else open file write the scriptopen dwg1 (setq num "12345") (load "next step") close Yopen dwg2 (setq num "12345") (load "next step") close Yopen dwg3 (setq num "12345") (load "next step") close Y
[code]; as you have set num the line will skip so code can be used in non script mode.(if (= num nil)(setq num (getstring t "\nType the numer: "))) ;