我目前正在使用AutoCAD 2017,我使用VLIDE编写和编辑我使用的代码。这段特定的代码不久前最初是为AutoCAD R14编写的,现在仍然有效。
- ;reads ASCII M-file <name.ext> created by MERGE_WS.BAS
- ;and inserts PT blocks 950 on each layer of the type _PTS#
- ;format of file must be:
- ;Name/1-7, East/9-19, North/21-31, Depth/33-41, Rmks/43-55,
- ;Seabed GPS El 57-65, Acc 67-68, Exact 70-71
- ;Exact shows whether interpolation was needed
- ;Read Hydro in ACAD File|ASC In/Out calls this program
- ;----------
- (defun setcol()
- (setq na1 1 na2 7 ea1 9 ea2 11 no1 21 no2 11 dp1 33 dp2 9
- rm1 43 rm2 13 el1 57 el2 9 acc1 67 acc2 2 xa1 70 xa2 2)
- )
- ;----------
- (defun C:READ_MRG ( / fname s f tx name east north depth elev rmks pt1)
- (setvar "ATTDIA" 0)
- (setvar "ATTREQ" 1)
- ;get existing file
- (setq fname (getfiled "Select M... file: " "" "" 0))
- (if f (close f))
- (if (setq f (open fname "r"))
- (progn
- ; (command "LAYER" "M" "_weak" "")
- ; (command "LAYER" "M" "_bad" "")
- (princ "\nReading and inserting ...\n")
- (setcol)
- (setq tx (read-line f))
- (setq lyrnum 0)
- (setq ptnum 0)
- (while tx
- (if (= 0 ptnum)
- (progn
- (setq lyrnum (+ 1 lyrnum))
- (command "LAYER" "M" (strcat "_PTS" (rtos lyrnum 2 0)) "")
- (setq ptnum 0)
- )
- )
- (if (/= (substr tx 1 1) ";") ;ignore remark and header lines
- (progn
- (putpt)
- (if (= ptnum 949)
- (setq ptnum 0)
- (setq ptnum (+ 1 ptnum))
- )
- )
- )
- (setq tx (read-line f))
- ) ;while tx
- (close f)
- )
- ) ;if f
- (princ)
- )
- ;----------
- (defun putpt ()
- (setq
- name (substr tx na1 na2)
- east (substr tx ea1 ea2)
- north (substr tx no1 no2)
- depth (substr tx dp1 dp2)
- rmks (substr tx rm1 rm2)
- elev (substr tx el1 el2)
- acc (atoi (substr tx acc1 acc2))
- xact (substr tx xa1 xa2)
- name (rtos (atof name) 2 0)
- [color="red"]east (atof east)
- north (atof north)
- depth (atof depth)[/color]
- pt1 (list east2 north2)
- )
- (if
- (= depth2 -32767.0)
- (setq depth2 "")
- (setq depth2 (rtos depth 2 3))
- )
- (command "INSERT" "PT" pt1 1 1 0 depth2 name rmks)
- ; (if
- ; (> acc 3)
- ; (command "CHPROP" "L" "" "LA" "_weak" "")
- ; )
- ; (if
- ; (> acc 6)
- ; (command "CHPROP" "L" "" "LA" "_bad" "")
- ; )
- )
罗宾 |